So many cooking shows focus on how to perfect food - preparation, cooking, and presentation. But often, so much attention and focus goes into the food itself that the utensils which produce the food, like pans, spatulas, and thermometors, get almost no attention at all.
This misleads the public into neglecting their utensils in a way, and in many cases pots and pans quickly become dilapidated more quickly than they should. If you have a wok that's looking sorrier than the Gulf Coast right now, then watch this video to learn how to rehabilitate it.
Grace Young is an award-winning authority on Chinese cooking, a teacher, author of "Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge", "The Breath of a Wok", and "Wisdom of the Chinese Kitchen", and is a contributor to multiple national magazines. In this video, she gives us an informal lesson on how to clean or rehab an old or dirty or neglected wok, as well as providing some useful tips on cooking with a wok on an American stove.
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